Essential Oils we Swear By
Many dog trainers, veterinarians, and animal care providers have turned to pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils to use in place of toxic and harmful ingredients commonly found in pet products.
Personally, as a dog breeder and dog enthusiast and a dog mother of rambunctious, accident prone dogs, I have turned to essential oils to replace almost all of our over the counter medicines.
We use essential oils as our first aid, and they also serve as all of our personal skin care products and cleaning products.
A growing number of dog professionals all throughout the nation (including myself) have turned to the use of high quality essential oils to help clients with dogs that have anxiety issues, behavioral issues, fears and phobias, aggression, and even health care issues.
Dogs that came completely unglued at the Fourth of July now rest peacefully throughout the night with essential oils being diffused in their safe place.
Dogs that couldn’t ride in a car without experiencing severe motion sickness, can now ride comfortably when an oil is rubbed/pet onto them prior to getting into the car.
Below are important facts, tips, and testimonies supporting the use of essential oils.
Not All Oils Are Created Equal
It’s important to know that not all essential oils are created equal, especially when using them on our pets.
Essential oils have gotten a bad rap in years past because inferior quality oils had been used and in many cases, caused extreme harm to those beloved household pets.
Most of the essential oils that you find in the health food stores are filled with synthetic and adulterated ingredients in them to “stretch” them and make them more profitable to make for the company.
Unfortunately, Being regulated by the cosmetic industry, the standard is legally allowed for a label to say “100% organic” as long as one ingredient is actually organic.
When selecting an essential oil for your beloved, four-legged companion be sure to look for an essential oil with a food label. The oil should not only be safe to apply to the skin (topically) but also to consume (internally) and used as aromatherapy (diffuse).
In fact, most Veterinarians that regularly use essential oils in their practice only recommend Young Living Essential Oils.
Dr. Nancy Brandt has compiled over thirteen years of case studies in using Young Living Essential Oils. She says to only USE and TRUST Young Living Essential Oils when it comes to our pets.
If this is the first time using essential oils on your dog, it is recommended that you use very small amounts to start with. (DILUTE DILUTE DILUTE!)
You can place a small amount (1-3 drops based on size of the animal) and rub between your hands with a pet safe carrier oil (Ie: coconut oil/ almond oil/ Olive Oil, etc) before petting on to your dog.
NEVER place any oil product directly in the animals ear canal or in their Eyes!
There are several ways you can use your Young Living Essential Oils on your dog here are some of our most common used practices at ODB:
Water misting – place 8-10 drops of your chosen oil in (preferably a glass) squirt bottle filled with distilled water and spray onto your dog as desired or as needed.
Petting onto your dog – simply place a drop of oil in your hand and pet onto your dog. If your dog has an injury, you can focus where you pet the oil to that location. The oil will travel through the dogs hair follicles into the blood stream of the dog. (This is usually the easiest way to get oils onto the dog)
Diffusion – place 8 drops of your chosen oil into a water based diffuser. Most Dogs love essential oils and are often times drawn naturally to the room that holds the diffuser and will often times lie down near it. (Make sure to give the dog a way to leave the room if they so wish)
Note: The information provided on this page is NOT intended to be taken as medical advice. Do not alter any medical treatment, or the use of medication without the permission of your medical care provider. The information on this page is for educational purposes only.
The "Father" Oil
Frankincense is a favorite in our program especially for smaller pets and birds. It is used in every aspect of our pet care, including wounds, tumors, behavior issues, infections bacteria, fungus, seizures, and more. It is one of the best all-around oils to use.
Lemon and Orange are also great, all-around oils. Lemon is used to increase cognitive awareness in training. These are excellent as an anti-parasitic, excellent for skin, subcutaneous conditions, lipomas, and tumors. Caution: They are photosensitizing oils. They are great oils to put in the dogs water bowls to have your dog drink.
Lemon oil is a STAPLE oil to keep on you at all times during hotter temperature months as Lemon oil can be put directly into the mouth the break up phlegm in the emergency need of heat exhaustion/ heat stroke. If the dog is in full blown heat stroke, you can also rub Lemon oil on the gums to bring the dogs sugar levels up. (NEVER SUBMERGE A DOG SUFFERING FROM HEAT STROKE TO COLD WATER - no pools, no hoses, no bathtubs, etc.- GRADUALLY cooling the bodies core temperature down is CRUCIAL to keeping your animal alive.... submerging a dog in heat stroke to cold temperatures will KILL YOUR DOG!!!
Avoid applying these oils topically to any skin that will be exposed to sunlight or full spectrum UV light within 24 hours.
Peppermint is used to support and decrease inflammation, as an anti-parasitic for worms, support the body from infections caused by viruses, bacteria, supports the gall bladder and aids digestive stimulation, pain relief.
It is useful for any injury. Simply place on the spot of injury to reduce inflammation and pain.
Peppermint will also cool over-heated dogs very quickly. (You can make a "Summer Spray" (8-10 drops of Peppermint and the rest of the (glass) bottle filled with Distilled water) to carry with you on walks or outdoor adventures in the heat - Simply spray the mixture on the dogs neck/ forechest, back and tops of feet to help cool them down.
Peppermint is great for arthritis, diarrhea, and vomiting.
Useful for motion sickness during car rides.
The "Mother" Oil
Lavender is very gentle, yet also non-infectious. When combined with peppermint, it increases healing, and decreases pain and infection.
It can repel parasites.
It is extremely calming and recommended for anxious, fearful, or over-active dogs.
Lavender is also highly anti-tumoral and is helpful for masses.
It is also used for frostbite, burns, skin conditions, and used as a parasite repellent.
When in Doubt, Grab Lavender Or Frankinscense!
Immune Boosting/ Pest Repelling
Purification combined together are excellent for parasites such as fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. We like to make squirt bottles of our Thieves Household Cleaner with Purification in it and use it as our flea/tick/bug repellent when at outdoor Dog shows/ hiking/ camping, etc..
It is also great for controlling odors. Try water misting it on your dog’s smelly bed/ blankets!
It is also great to place on bug bites to help aide in the "itch".
Can I also mention, if the dog (or you) isnt feeling great... Grab Purification, its a fantastic immune booster (along with Thieves) rubbed on the dogs chest and up their neck will make them a personal diffuser for themselves and aid in getting your furbaby back to normal in no time.
Literally Means "Courage"
Valor is super useful in dogs for fear, behavior issues and puppy training.
Its fragrance is super gentle and actually smells fantastic (if you ask me), I use it as my "happy" oil too on days where im just not feeling great or that confident.
Great for bone setting or injuries.
Its nickname is "Chiropractor in a bottle" sooooo its a FANTASTIC oil to keep in your show bag/ hiking bag/ agility bag, etc. (for both the dog and yourself!). Sore Muscles no more!
Peace & Calming extremely calming for dogs that have aggression, fear, anxiety reactivity behavior related problems.
Useful with car rides and dogs that suffer from sound phobias such as thunder, fireworks, etc.
Veterinarians use it in conjunction with wound treatments to build the confidence needed to face treatment.
Great oil to use prior to walks, Vet visits, or before a competition.
Great help in calming down overly excitable dogs as well.
This is an oil, I never leave home without, for myself and my dogs... I can just sniff the bottle cap of this and instantly feel an "ahhhhh" come over my entire body.
Immune Boosting!!
Thieves is immune boosting and nature’s potent antibiotic.
It is highly anti-fungal, anti-viral, anti-septic, and anti-bacterial.
It is especially useful for kennel cough, and ringworm.
It is great to clean with and helps eliminate allergies.
Also check out Thieves Household Cleaner - this all purpose cleaner is all we use for cleaning of everything, kennels, dog beds, bowls when we are away at dog shows, I spray down hotel rooms with this stuff, etc. Its GREAT!
Because Animals have Trauma's too
Trauma Life is a great oil choice to use for abused dogs.
This a great oil to use on a dog before going in for surgery, entering a new home, birthing, after a dog fight, or severe injury.
Here's Our Recommendations
As a dog professional, I find the following oils SUPER helpful with common problem behaviors:
Focus – Brainpower, Peppermint, Lemon, Peace and Calming and Lavender.
Hyperactive Dogs – Peace and Calming, Lavender, Valor, and Tranquil
Aggression – Peace and Calming, Joy, Valor, Surrender, Trauma Life, Release, and Lavender.
Fearful/Anxiety – Valor, Trauma Life, Release, Believe, Acceptance, Vetiver, and Tranquil. Also, addressing gut health and using minerals and enzymes such as Essentialzyme 4, Life 5, and Mineral Essence can be beneficial.
Starter Kit Sign Up
How to Order:
So what are you waiting for? Get your kit today and start your ALL NATURAL Journey with your Dog!
So what exactly are you getting when you sign up for Young Living with the Premium Starter kit?
I’m glad you asked! You are going to receive 12 oils
plus the home diffuser, informative literature, and samples to share with family and friends. Plus, you will receive the Essential Oil Pocket Reference Book for FREE! This book contains nearly 400 pages & is the most informative pocket reference available to date.
This reference guide has both the single oils and blended oils sections, chapters on Safety, Applications, Raindrop Technique, Vita Flex, & Emotional Response.